
From Live Architectures: Extemporary Land Art on Google Earth, 2013-ongoing.
Live Architectures is a series of digital and interactive artworks created over time in a wide-range production developed to reshape the indoor and the outdoor architecture and environmental places as well as the ‘digital environment’, transforming it into something alive and vibrant. This series of site-specific artworks is created and usable exclusively on Google Earth. Through augmented reality technology, the artwork aims to create an extemporary-temporary virtual land-art, constructing a sort of "mise en abyme" or “droste effect”, in which an element shifts the other in depth, merging the Google earth environment with the augmented area in order to create a new space.

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“Augmented forces on Google Earth” 2014, invites the viewer to use the Augmented Reality on the Google Earth browser underwater due to some mysterious quadratic endogenous forces paradoxically/ironically working inversely off the coast of the Ostia Sea. Inspired by the Gino De Dominicis act/attempt of 1969, to form squares instead of circles in the water, an augmented’ real-time land-art condition appears to the spectators’ eyes watching a submerged Google Earth.

“Augmented sky-trip on Google Earth - The strawberry ice storm” 2014, thanks to the Augmented Reality, involves the viewer to take a crazy trip into a storm of iced/acid strawberry over the Google Earth fly simulator. During the storm/trip, bizarrely, only one strawberry glitching landed successful on the ramp n. 13 of the Buenos Aires Airport on Google Earth.

"Augmented cave – the dispersed Parthenon 2014. Hey people, the famous Carrara’s marble cave on Google earth is hosting the Parthenon! It doesn't belong to Athens anymore. Thanks to the augmented reality, which eliminates distance and time, the Parthenon is no more a native object but it becomes nomadic and voyages everywhere...

“Augmented Desert - the liquid gale” 2014, through the Augmented Reality shows a continuous beating field into a never-ending process. So the augmented storm becomes a fluid art-installation thru the Sahara desert.
“Predicting in augmented space” 2015, invites the viewer to use the Augmented Reality technology on Google Earth browser to discover an oddity atmosphere inhabited by some drones trapped into rotating snowglobes crossing the sky area of Google Earth – in the meantime the sun transforming itself by changing face through the emoticons gestures reflecting and communicating the beliefs of some pseudo-indigenous peoples on earth. So, why map these beliefs using traditional  instruments as for example the model of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey? “Predicting in augmented space” is an expanded visualization of an imaginary map reflecting conventionalisms!

"Garden of my childhood" 2016 - Ontology of vision is all around you into the Garden of my childhood - It contains no memories but super-objects - An egg full of geometries and scheme of thoughts - From underground I can see thru the ontology of mutations - This garden is made by certain frog skin - Crystal casket or garden? - Deeply inside connections… just the abstraction.

"Excessus mentis" 2017 watch thru the cosmic vision, thru the ascending spirit; watch thru the Borromini’s dome!
"Deconstructing Everest" 2017 Climbing while deconstructing and generating an anaglyph animation.
"Conceptual mine" 2017 Something is landing over a conceptual mine. Seems an essential architecture... but it is a manipulated rocket, turned into a synthetic house!
"Black Diamonds" 2017 On the Rise of Black Diamonds phenomena in South Africa, where roots ‘odd one out’ abstract from earth.